Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fleas in the 'burg

This morning's adventure took me to the Greene County Fair Grounds. While going for some morning exercise I shared the track with a harness-racing horse and his driver.

I was hoping to get some interesting flea market pictures (also at the fairgrounds) for blog fodder but the batteries went dead as soon as I took this one. Is this a sign? No purchases today but there's always Saturday.

How many of these items were in YOUR home while watching Dark Shadows? I recognize the 8-track player- I didn't stop to see his collection of tapes. If he doesn't have Captain and Tenille's Muskrat Love, I'm not interested.

One thing to note is the continued decrease in the cost of flea market VHS tapes. Last summer they were $4. This summer you can get them for $2.

What I'm really looking for are some retro-magazines to make art collages with. I find it's always good to go to flea markets with an item or two in mind. It keeps you from buying too much junk.

Tomorrow's big event is a trip to the local Farmer's Market. Don't get too excited. If the flea market is any indication, there will likely be 5 tomato plants and a few cucumbers. I'll power up the batteries before heading out.


Olga said...

How did my stuff end up there and why are you posting pictures of it???! Eeeee-gads! Its sad when your decorating ended in about '79. I have some old knitting mags I got when somebodys something or another died, will those work for your collages?

Anonymous said...

Markets (farmer's or otherwise) are very big here, as can be expected. You can find old "junk" but what surprises me are the new items, like toiletries, that you can get on the cheap. There are whole tables of deodorant and toothpaste. Not to mention panty hose, underwear and blank CD-ROMs. It all just smacks of things yanked off the back of a truck.

Yarnhog said...

They have a FAN CLUB?! I thought I was the only weirdo who still watched it! (And for the record, I watched it in reruns in the early 90s.)
And Uber? You can't have those speakers. They're mine.

sophanne said...

Not just a fan club- a convention!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Yes, well I am married to a maniac who has a special fondness for outmoded technology, and he is LOVING the rapidly descending prices of vhs tapes...