Sunday, May 27, 2007

Step away from the computer- Must Knit

Many thanks to Leslie and Good Yarn Karma for the Tricoter Simply Sweaters treasure. She even paid for postage! She will have much good karma. It's written by women from Tricoter- a Seattle YS which isn't so local except that's where we'll be in July so I may just get to visit.

All of left side of rowan vest is finished. Right side is more than halfway done. A little stockinette in the back and I'll have an FO. That is, if I can keep myself away from all of the blog-reading there is to do.

In between I've been swatching with some Debbie Bliss silk. Anyone with any wisdom to share re: knitting with silk, I would be grateful. I'm thinking rectangular wrap so that I can fondle the fiber regularly.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked the book! Just wait til you see the store. I stopped by when I was in Seattle, and all I can say is bring your credit card and extra bags. The girls are really nice, too. It's a definite must-see.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

You are going to LOOOVE Tricoter!