Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rubber Tree Plant

i had to have just one more chance to be excited before heading "downtown" to check out the "festival." For those not familiar with Waynesburg, odds are that there will be 2-3 sheep, a couple of rabbits, 2 cranky ladies spinning, and some not so LYS's selling overpriced novelty ladder yarn. I fully expect to be disappointed once I get there so I wanted to take this last moment to feel the thrill of a festival In The Town Where I Live that is about Something I Love To Do. Off I go, knitting bag and camera in tow, pre-purchased festival t-shirt on my back, and like the ant about to move the rubber tree plant.

1 comment:

Yarnhog said...

I think I'd get a big kick out of the two cranky ladies spinning.