Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Mysteries solved and unsolved

Mystery #1 Why I'll never run out of blog material-
Yesterday with puppy and husband in the passenger seat, husband was talking to the puppy.

There's a gray truck. There's another black car like mine. There's Burger King- you remember Burger King- you've seen the commercials.

Mystery #2 What to do about stinky boy bedtime farts. Lots of Burt's Bee's hand lotion and put your hands near your head as you try to go to sleep. Note: this does nothing to quiet snoring.

Mystery #3 (as yet unsolved) How to properly knit a thumb on a mitten. Aargh. Any tips would be welcome. I'm hating those big honkin holes.


Sunflowerfairy said...

Where are you getting holes? On the gusset stitches or over the join?

Thanks for the info on bed time smells. I'll give him my pretty smelling lotion next time he starts complaining.

Heehee. I'm kidding.

Lapdog Creations said...

Just curious if you received your prizes from my blog contest ok?

Virtuous said...

As far as mystery #3 - I just finished my 1st pair of gloves and my post may help you! ;o)

flutter said...

I can't help you on the thumb holes, but perhaps you can tie one of those pine tree air fresheners to the boy before bed?

Anonymous said...

I use the yarn tail from the thumb to sew up holes after the thumb is knit. If you are the really persnickity type you may prefer to pick up extra stitches when you start the thumb and K2tog as needed on the first round to get back to the proper number of stitches. That method probably yields a more perfect looking mitten, but my method works well enough for me.

Lydee said...

Pretty soon Puppy may join hubby in stinky farts. Then you'll be outnumbered. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Diane said...

Mystery #1: It's ok for him to talk to the puppy. If he claims that the puppy is talking back to him then you've got a BIG PROBLEM!!!

Happy New Year!

Kim said...

I hate the holes too and just sew the hole closed after the mitt is done. As for boy farts, just laugh and say "Even stink would say that stinks!"

FairyGodKnitter said...

My husband sings (songs he made up) to the dogs. Even they are confused by this.
For mitten holes, I alway pick up extra stitches and decrease.

Mary Beth said...

I am just giggling here.