Thursday, August 23, 2007

On our Arses Eating Ice Cream

According to all educational leadership powers that be, it's only a matter of a few years until we'll all be sitting on our arses eating ice cream while China and India become world domi-nations. I don't want to get on a soapbox here, but there's a little bit of Eastern Philosophy that would do our neck of the woods more than a little good. Lydee appropriately addressed the crisis to the tune of Yesterday. We have definitely been innundated by another Sputnik-think in the school system. I wouldn't mind it so much if it weren't for the fact that as the music teacher I am the MOST capable of higher order thinking and the LEAST likely to get technology to share with my students.

Oh wait, this is a knitting blog, a place that combines new technology that's taking over the world and an ancient art involving fiber and sticks. you mean it doesn't have to be black and white?

Yea, so anyway, the sleeves are attached to Tangled Yoke. There would be pictures if the rechargable batteries in the camera weren't deader than dead. And again, it is Five Hundred Eleventeen Degrees outside. I can seriously smell the felted bag sweating. Three inches until I get to the Tangled part and then the "Yoke's on Me."

Get used to less knitting posting and a little more "holy crap I'm back at work" posting for a while until I get my "sea legs."


Lydee said...

Holy Crap I'm Back At Work Batman! Funny post! Where else can we secretly let off steam except to blog and under an alias!

Wish I could blog about our open house that I just came home from. There was one moment where the art teacher and I looked at eachother and we knew we were thinking the same thing, "Oh My Gosh".

Anonymous said...

We have been hearing the same thing in the science world - "other countries, especially Asia, are becoming the leaders in science in technology..."

Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

I feel like that this week. Everyday we keep getting more new stock, more and more boxes upon skids upon boxes and all I can think is, "Holy Crap what am I doing here? Mostly I like it though, just have to get out of vacation mode.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

I am feeling you, sister!

Yarnhog said...

You and Lydee--what's with the ice cream?! Now I must go eat spumoni.

Anonymous said...

I forget where I heard it - NPR podcasts or read it in The Economist (probably the latter) that though India and China prioritize technical skills in education, especially in the case of China they don't emphasize creative problem solving. So on paper the Chinese seem more useful than they actually are. Writing code and scientific research are more about being nimble-minded than being able to rotely memorize of the periodic table C++.

So we'll see how long this lasts... but I'll tell ya we had more than a few Indians and Chinese working at my dot com. We brought them over on H-1 visas. They weren't the super stars, but they were proficient. There just weren't enough US-based programmers to do the work.

Haley said...

oh the beginning of the school year. don't miss it at all. hope it goes well for you. i read about your ice cream situation on lydee's blog. remember always to bring ice cream for the hubbie. if he decides he doesn't want it--then, bonus!, you get two! happy knitting!

Olga said...

Also, the quality of life the chinese have is not very good. Pretty much on a work farm till they die of cancer or black lung from all the pollution from their high tec. Everything from their food to the air is killing them at an early age. And their spirit is crushed under the heavy goverment hand, not too much beauty is coming out of that country. But everyone thinks its so wonderful and I'm sure our country will follow their example 'to compete'
Wow . I'm harshing up my own mellow with this downer.