Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Kno Knit Knite, KDamn

Gnit Gnite was superceded by School Open House Night. Those evil schedulers.

If you go to School Open House(s) for your kid(s), might I suggest that you pay a visit to the music teacher. Mostly I'll be "doing time" for two hours while parents and kids visit the regular classroom teachers. All so that I can have 1/2 day off on December 21st. I'd be inclined to skip it but I know I'd regret it later.

Because the school is 20 miles from home, I've decided to stay here until it begins at 6:00 pm so instead of getting 2, they suck 4 hours out of me.

One of these days the internet, the air conditioner and my computer here at school will all work on the same day. That will be cause for celebration.

As to where kids have "journey-ed" this summer- no deep thoughts but one kid said he went to "mud bogs" I said, "what's in a mud bog?" (before I could think clearly) and he of course said, "mud." Now there's a road I haven't taken.


Olga said...

I was thinking of leaving a pitying remark or even a envious one, but, that would be heartless.
So, here's a reply that kid should of gave you if he was on the ball and shooting for that Rhodes scholarship, His final answer ought to have been....:)

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

How funny, I was the parent knitting at the junior high orientation last night and got MANY dirty looks from the other parents, like I was doing my nails or something...

Throws Like A Girl said...

Man, I wish I knew how to knit back when I was teaching. :) It's so lonely being the Music Teacher during Back to School Night, I remember. The only time I got visitors was when kids came into my room to show their parents how to "play" the instruments. I use quotes of course because all of the things I had painstakingly taught them the year before had escaped and degraded down to bang on anything they could find REALLY hard. :)

Anonymous said...

I promise I'll make up for it by obsessively stalking the music teacher about which instruments my kids should play and when they should start. ;)

Lydee said...

We just had open house. The only people who visited my music room were our local version of the "Hatfields" and the "McCoys". I got quite an earful that night! :0

Lydee said...

May the powers that be cause your internet, airconditioner and computer to work all at the same time.

And then do you know what will happen? It'll cause the local power grid to fail and the East Coast will have rolling blackouts!

Anonymous said...

Mud bog? Maybe he meant the mud pots(?) at Yellowstone Park. One of the coolest things I've ever seen. In your honor, I will visit the music teacher if I go to the school open house. Hope you got some knitting done during those 4 hours

Yarnhog said...

It's not four hours of wasted time, it's four hours of knitting time. And I didn't even know the music teacher showed up for Open House. Bad parent. Bad bad parent.

Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

I hate school open house night with a white hot passion. I can only imagine you enjoy it if anything, even less. My son's a good kid, he loves me, he's kind, he's smart, he doesn't bully and when other, smaller boys are bullied, he stands up for them. And every year I can pretty much guarantee we will hear some variation on "He's trying hard but his marks suck." Nice or not so nicely put depending on the teacher. The joy of having a LD ADD child. It's depressing for me I can only imagine how depressing it must be for him. Anyway you have my sympathy. I hope you take knitting to keep you company.