Friday, August 17, 2007

The Incredible Hulk

Just as the Incredible Hulk reveals himself at the sight of injustice, so too does my crazed-obsessed-knitter-self come to the fore when working on a sweater.

Lacking the wisdom and foresight of the Incredible Hulk, I initially chose to ignore the Knitting Pranksters when they revealed two rows of non-ribbed garter stitch about 1/3 and 2/3's up the ribbing of the sleeve.

Today I will be frogging the sleeve. I realize that it's possible to make the same mistake in the other sleeve and call it a design element, but I know it will drive me crazy so into the pond it must go.

Somewhere between the first and last 2 inches of the body (probably as I was color coding the cable chart in anticipation), the thrill of the process was replaced by the thrill of the product.


Yarnhog said...

Yep. That's a deal-breaker. As I always advise, do it quick, like ripping off a band-aid, and it won't hurt as much.

Olga said...

Make yourself a nice chocolate cake and watch all your sleeve worries fly fly away!

Anonymous said...

"Thrills of the process" vs. "thrill of the product." I like that.

Anonymous said...

I always consider the "design element" option when I make a boo-boo. Sometimes it works, but sometimes not. Tot he frog pond. You'll be glad you did! Tangled Yoke is gonna look awesome!

Having a Knit Fitt said...

Well, I guess you can console yourself that the mistakes were in the sleeve and not the body. I am so looking forward to knitting the cable on my sweater but have a looong way to go before I get to it. At least my Mystery Stole 3 is almost finished. Then I will have more knitting time for the cardigan.

Haley said...

i can relate to frogging these days. we'll just say "ribbit, ribbit" and move on. impressed with your progress so far. happy knitting!