Thursday, April 19, 2007

Round and Round and Round it Goes

Like sock knitting, my mind easily falls into a pattern of going round and round in circles. My reactions to the day’s events, if left unchecked, can spiral into a tornado of circular thinking.

Lately I’ve noticed that the time I spend considering what I may or may not post on this blog lessens the amount of time I have to perseverate on events of the hour/day/week and actually gives me a reason to pause and wonder what I really think.

An elementary school guidance counselor once told me that a common response to students who perseverate (engage in the same behavior or thought in a repeated fashion) is to ask them a question that catches them off guard such as, “Do you have any cheese in your pocket?”

I think that knitting lets me keep my circles and blogging is a way to ask myself if I have any cheese in my pocket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yogis calls this "mind chatter," and the stated purpose of yoga is to quiet the mind chatter. Buddhists refer to a similar thing called "monkey mind" but that is more the tendancy for your mind to continuously wander all over the place rather than settle down. Bost schools suggest that meditation is the answer.

Interesting thoughts about blogging's affect on your life. My knitting blog is keeping me motivated especially since I don't know other knitters in my daily life. But, I keep another blog for friends and family about living in Holland and I feel like that one has had somewhat of a negative affect on my attitude here. I spent all my time looking at the quirky differences between my old and new life in a foreign country, never looking for the similarities that would help keep me grounded. I'm not sure that our perspective would have really been that much different in the end, but I wonder...