Thursday, August 05, 2010

Ten Things

There's been a lot of "Ten Things" posts going around out there. In the spirit of that, I give you "Ten things to do at House of Sophanne when the power goes out for 14 hours."

1-Call the power company multiple times.

2-Sit in front of a darkened television waiting for it to come back on.

3-Decide that it's time to get onto that fancy "city water" instead of using a well so there's water when the power goes out.

4-Drive around the neighborhood and see who else's power is out.

5-Go out to dinner because your husband is having a little post-traumatic freak-out from the last time the power went out (The Snow Storm of 2010)

6-Go to the grocery store and buy candles. Insist on emergency candles rather than tapered unscented candles because it means searching around the grocery store a little longer and not having to go home.

7-Confuse the dog by paying a ton of attention to her.

8-Sit in front of candles (tapered unscented) and pretend it's a television

9-In lieu of watching a movie, act out "The Godfather" (which apparently every man knows some dialogue to) while Sophanne hums the music.

10-Make a Benadryl and Xanax cocktail and call it a night.

p.s. The Food Librarian has a recipe for Coffee Jello going on today- I am SO all over that- I'm thinking of adding a little melted chocolate to the mix. Yowsa!


Anonymous said...

My parents were once out of power for 10 days. The ice storm of 1997? '98? I don't remember. They live in the country with fireplaces, they were warm and just heated up what was in the freezer on the wood burning stove. They were pretty dirty though. And no fancy city water for them. Lots of melted snow.

Cindy said...

You make me laugh out loud. Thank you. Have you ever tried to read by lantern light(I have an old fashioned oil lantern just for those power-outage times)? Sucks. Really sucks. I have often wondered if Dramamine would help;-P

Anonymous said...

I missed the power outage at my house since I was in the big city. Had I been there, I would have been suffering a bit of PTSD right along with Mr. Sophanne.

Carol said...

no knitting by candlelight?!?!

sophanne said...

There was some candlelight knitting but I was distracted by the post traumatic freak-out!

JelliDonut said...

I like #10. I'm sleeping for CRAP lately. Maybe I'll try that.

roxie said...

Connubial relations in the hot and sweaty dark? It's an option. Play cards by canddlelight? The last time we had a power outage, it was the entertainment we missed the most. No TV or computers. We have a hand-crank radio, but we didn't think about it till the next day. We read books by candlelight and went to bed early.

Anonymous said...

Lol. You could always try to make mac n cheese on the grill.