Friday, August 06, 2010

On a brighter note-

This morning's post was a bit of a let-down for me. I had such high hopes for that coffee jello.

The trip to Natural Stitches was fabulous. And I mean it. It's lucky for me that finding that place on my own would be next to impossible given my disdain for city driving. (note that i said "next to" impossible.)

After purchasing the colors that spoke to me, I can only reach the conclusion that I have a "Sharpie" mentality in color hue and saturation.

There is a Sharpie in that purple color at the end- I've just left it laying around somewhere.

There are 12 skeins total (2 of each) and i imagine them creating a spectacular something someday.


Cindy said...

A colorbox Babette, perchance?

Anonymous said...

Pretty rainbow you've got there!

Maybe you can make custard from the Frappacino? Or just drink it with a cookie chaser.

roxie said...

Squeee! Pretty, pretty yarn! Love your color-sense.

Anonymous said...

I'm very inspired by those colours to go and buy yarn. Can't wait to see them knit up together.

LillyB said...


Mountain Mama said...

BEAUTIFUL colors! Did you know Sharpie makes a pen now? I haven't tried it yet.

Sharon said...

I can totally see a warm, colorful, Mason-Dixon lap robe! But that's just me. The colors make me smile.