Saturday, February 02, 2008

Remember that time when...

Those of you who have been reading my ruminations for a while might remember this conversation about the knitting terms "after every 4th" vs. "every 4 rows." as in:


4th inc

That little puzzle has revisited the Grinch sleeves in a Knitting Goddess Vengeful Laughing sort of way.

Ann Budd's directions read Then inc 1 st each end of the needle every 6 rows 9 times.

Based on the last sweater's mistake (going 1 2 3 inc instead of 1 2 3 4 inc) where I ended up with shortish widish elephant sleeves, I looked VERY closely at Ann Budd's directions and knit 1 2 3 4 5 6 increase (several times-as well as 1 2 3 4 increase which happened earlier in the directions) I have finished the row of increases and not even started the cap and have 22" instead of the suggested 18". The cap is going to make for at least another 2" if not more.

But Sophanne, why didn't you measure the sleeves along the way? Because I was in the Knitting Black Hole and didn't want to jinx myself and make it go slower.

Common sense says to save this frog project until knit night and find out if there are alternate solutions. And yet I'm off to frog.

Maybe the reason I can't quit green is because I do so much frogging. Next thing you know I'll be addicted to African Tree Frog colors.

p.s. this is Not a CMUS post. Did I mention that I was knitting 2 sleeves at a time?


Yarnhog said...

Oh, no!

Don't you know that doing two of anything at the same time quadruples the chances that you will do it wrong? I swear! Ask anyone--well, anyone who knits.

I'm so sorry.

Carol said...

Jeez, I never thought of that. Great, something else to fret over when I'm reading a pattern

Lydee said...

Ribbit, Ribbit.

Love the groundhog song! I don't think I've heard it before.

Tammy said...

Not an expert here, but I would read those instructions as 1-2-3-4-5-increase, 1-2-3-4-5-increase, etc. It's worked for me so far.

Kim said...

Crapola! I like a pattern that says increase blaha blah blah or until sleeve measures X inches. That way I don't get sucked into the black hole and remember to measure. Perhaps you should try a vest and avoid sleeves.

Mary Beth said...

Great advice Kim! Don't listen to her. Eventually, like in 20 below, we need sleeves. I do my inc like tammy does & I've never encountered an issue. Sorry about so much frogging. I giggled at your Tree Frog love afffair to be.