Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And then there were four

Only four tonight, but what a fine four we were. Mr. Sophanne and I got home early because of inclement weather so it's a knit night post hot off the press.

Tonight's knit night story comes from a discussion of Liza Jane's impending spaying.

I said, "She's a girl dog. Why is she humping pillows?"

KNQD: For the same reason boy dogs do.

And then came the story of the lesson KNQD learned when she didn't have one of her dogs fixed. Said dog dug a hole in a bag of clothes in a closet, stole the t.v. remote, and the cordless phone (and possibly other things I didn't hear) and growled when the items were retrieved. Come to find poor puppy thought these items were her puppies and she had to undergo some medical treatment to relieve her of this stress. Can't you just hear it now- phone rings, Scooby Doo puppy voice on the other end says "Mama." Confused would be mama-dog looks at the remote and says, my little puppy, what a red eye you have. (all the better to change your channel with mama) After some guilt and a few weeks of re-training no one was permanently damaged in this incident. (unless KNQD indicates and or elaborates in the comments otherwise.)

One of the greatest parts of knit night tonight is that I got some knitting done. Halfway through the second Bird in Hand mittens. EXCEPT (and now comes THE best part of knit night) along the seam, where there should have been a brown stitch, there was a white one. Just about 14 rows down. On beyond my only amateur skills of picking up and fixing stitches. KNQD says "give it here", and in a matter of seconds it is fixed.

As a girl who's had to do everything for herself in the big picture in life, this little act of "Here, let me help you." was just about the greatest thing that's happened to me in a long time.


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Those 'give it here' moments are unbeatable!!

Deborah-- said...

It is absolutely awesome when someone tells you to "give it here"! Those are saving graces and I absolutely love my sister because I know she will always help me out when I need it. So I pay it forward when I can with those around me.

Lydee said...

Poor "puppy mama"....She just wanted something to love!

Yvonne said...

Our dog steals the kids' stuffed animals. And loaves of bread. Doesn't eat the bread, just mothers it.


Carol said...

Lol on the dog story! And it's great when you can get help so easily, isn't it?

Kim said...

All the robo-puppies were electronic devices. What does it mean? Ain't it nice to get help when you need it? I feel the same bashful sense of gratitude when I get knitting help.

Anonymous said...

Sit next to that Knitter more often!!

Yarnhog said...

Wouldn't it be great if you could get a hand up like that whenever you needed it?

There's another reason to spay your female dog if you don't plan on breeding her. Unspayed females are prone to a life-threatening uterine infection called "pyometria" (or something like it), that means "pus-filled uterus"--and really is. Pounds of pus. Molly nearly died from it when she was six.