Tuesday, June 22, 2010

it's a start...

The plant before the oregano is some kind of flowering garden plant/bush that I forget the name of that came from neighborMarilyn. The oregano, chives and sage came from MountainMama. The dill lemon balm and lavender also came from neighbor Mariliyn. The small fonted diagonal is pointing to a purple herb that she says is Japanese but that she doesn't know the name of. She aslo is searching her beautiful space for a moon flower to transfer. I don't want to add too much until I get the names of things in my head.

We had a nice thunderstorm this morning (I put most of these in the ground last night)- Liza found refuge in a closet. Today I believe I will go forth in search of MiracleGrow potting soil, a little mulch, and some mixing bowls.

Though- when I told Mr. Sophanne I was going to get mixing bowls he complained that "just because you made ONE cake doesn't mean we need mixing bowls." I said "I'd like to do it again without having to use cooking pots!" Every now and then he just doesn't get it.

Updated to add-

Here's what a little potting soil, mulch and 2 roma tomato plants will do. There's something in the mulch that got Liza's attention. What cracks me up is that I met both GardeningNeighborMarilyn and GardeningNeighborEllen buying potting soil and mulch.

and as long as we're adding- some silk came in the mail today and it is as luscious and shiny as it appears!


Anonymous said...

Lemon balm is a rampant weed, don't be shy to start yanking it out if it tries to take over. Lovely smelling and tasty though.

Can't wait for your mixing bowls!

Mountain Mama said...

I like it! The oregano, too, will get out of control. And be sure to cut off any flowers on it before they go to seed. The other day I pulled a weed from my flower garden and thought, "that looks like oregano." I pinched it and smelled it, and sure enough, it was!

Carol said...

I stopped planting herbs outside after bugs ate them years in a row. I now grow em inside!