Monday, June 07, 2010

It's finally happened.

The nice part about being in the 10 in 2010 group is that when you go visit the group to see if anybody (loves) what you've posted, you browse the rest of them to find the ones that you love.

Seems like every shawl I clicked on for a closer look was from Knitted Lace of Estonia. I noticed this happening last week too. I thought to myself- I'm going to get that book. I stealthily ordered it (and a couple of others)- it was during school hours.

After ordering I looked at the rest of the patterns in the book on Ravelry. Imagine my surprise-there was something there I had already knitted. A scarf named "Raha." Oh, I thought to myself- that must have been published somewhere else.

Magically-thanks to the power of memory loss and too many knitting books to keep track of- the book was at home when I got there. Yes- now I will have two Nancy Bush's Knitted Lace of Estonia. I'm not sending it back. I'll send it to whoever emails me and says, "hey- I'd like that book." (blts At windstream DOT net) And if nobody wants it, it goes to Yarnhog because I know how much she loves lace knitting! (mwah hah hah hah!)

This Could Be Yours!

(once I get it from Amazon!)
eta-never underestimate the quickness of a Yarnhog- she's the lucky recipient!


Yarnhog said...

Actually, I really want it! I keep thinking about buying it, but it's kind of hard to justify, considering my long-standing hostile relationship with lace knitting! E-mailing you... ;)

Haley said...

I had my copy over a year before I finally braved it and tried something--the leaf and peacock tail scarf--much easier than i expected. enjoy!

Marie said...

Grr I should have read the whole post before emailing. Stupid me.

Cindy said...

I'd like the book, but if Yarnhog needs it and wants it, then it should go to her. Besides, I would actually need to finish something and we both know the odds of that are slim;-D

Debbie D said...

I've heard that is an amazing book. Good for Yarnhog.