Friday, November 16, 2007

Do you want to hear an elementary music teacher complain about Christmas programs?

Do you want to hear what I think about a boss who ducks out 2 hours early on the day before Thanksgiving break?

Do you want to hear about puppy poop? (diamondless puppy poop I might add)

What about falling asleep after knitting 2 rows on Wicked every night?

Yea, I didn't think so. I wouldn't want to hear about it so much either.

On the other hand I could go on and on about the great husband who makes dinner when I have to come home late, the kids at school who still give me the secret happy "I like you" smile in spite of my crankiness, and the studentt teacher who picks up some slack when I think my brain is going to explode.

Seems like Liza Jane is the way to go. Maybe I'll have some brilliant thoughts with some days off. (and just how long can I blog puppy pictures until this turns into a dogblog instead of a knitting blog?) I need a knit night fix.


carla said...

Uh-oh -- diamondless?

Anonymous said...

She's so litttle!
Bummer about the bummer day.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your day. But LJ is soooo cute. And she has her very own teddy? Sweet.

YawnOver said...

Awww...sleepy pup. So cute. Frisky's day was like that too :)

Lydee said...

if i said it once, I'll say it a thousand times, "what an adorable puppy". I've made my husband look everytime, I told him I wanted one. He keeps asking what kind of puppy is it. Is it part Jack Russell terrier? She is so sweet!

Tammy said...

Well, fortunately your puppy is very cute so we'll let you get away with it for quite a while!

cpurl17 said...

Awww I love the puppy photos!

sunshine said...

I will take as many puppy photos as you put out there! They are like grandchildren pictures!!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Hooray for your sweet hubby and pup!

Lapdog Creations said...

That is one of the cutest pics ever! Thanks for entering my contest - I added you to my bloglines & ravelry also. :) You should join the Dogs on Thursday postings!

Anonymous said...

You're an elementary school MUSIC teacher? How much Tylenol does that take over the course of a school year?

Love Liza Jane pictures.

sophanne said...

Fewer Tylenol since I started wearing earplugs.

Diane said...

As a parent of 4 who has attended more holiday concerts than anyone should be subjected to I commend you for all the time and effort you put into the music program.

sophanne said...

Thanks for you comment, Diane. I think for me it's less time and effort and more patience and holiday cheer that makes it hard. : )

Sharon said...

OH mah gawd, I am having cute fits. You just go right ahead and post as many puppy pictures as you want, I don't come here just for the knittin'. Although your Wicked sweater looks great, and what a gorgeous shade of yarn!