Friday, December 07, 2007

Ice on the Roads

We had the worst possible kind of snow today. The kind that starts just as you're leaving for school. It's too late for them to cancel and too late to call a sub. Except I called one anyway because my mental health is worth more than a day of watching the student teacher teach. This means I played "hooky" today. The panic attack was precipitated by thoughts of the curvy icy hill. Husband reassures me that I'm not a loser for bailing on the day. Anyone else who would like to do the same would be doing me a great service.

Batteries are charging and I'll snag same husband for a photoshoot on the Rowan Big Wool sweater and the Spam-A-Not Wicked. Both unbocked fo's that are getting closer to the ideal sweater.

WIP Update- (again maybe some pix over the weekend)

Berroco alapaca socks in worsted weight on size 6 needles because it's the best way to keep the feet warm and man, are they quick. One down, one to go.

Stocking cap for my favorite parent volunteer- not my favorite wip right now. I had such grand hopes. I think I'll take it to knit night for some tweaking. It may be that I just hate novelty yarn-boocles-or burnt orange. Possibly all of it.

Wicked Part II- finally taking that periwinkle handspun I bought in May and am hoping to make a long-sleeved wicked with it. I just trust the sizing on the pattern.

This is the first December I've had a blog. All the secret "cant post" stuff and all. Is there then the government holiday phenomena (like the post office after they get a Monday off, you get twice as much mail on Tuesday) after the gifts have been given?


Tammy said...

I'm glad you protected your sanity and your safety by avoiding the icy roads! Of course, a good rain is enough to keep a lot of us Southern Californians home. We are, without a doubt, the world's wimpiest drivers.

Lydee said...

The night before and entire morning up to the point when I got on the roads, I was thinking, Should I or shouldn't I take today off? After I got on the roads at 6:45, snow covered, icy roads, where I crawled in 1st gear and still was sliding, and some idiot in a pickup was riding my tail, I thought: I'm so STUPID! I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN TODAY OFF! I put my girls and myself in danger driving to school.

It took me an hour to get there. I was one of the first people there. I was early because I left before 7, but most of the teachers were late. They said, we all should have called off. Most of them left after 7 and didn't get to school until a quarter to nine.

The busses were late. The kids were straggling in all morning. You did good to call off. That was a ridiculous drive yesterday.

Can't wait to hear more about knit nite!

Anonymous said...

I would call in a sub at least 50% of the days, if there was a parenting sub to be had.

sunshine said...

As a mother, I am glad you called in a sub. Your allowed!!!

Anonymous said...

Curvy, icy hill trumps duty every time. Good sense on your part.

Kim said...

You're not wimpy at all. When it doubt, stay home. Your cave woman instincts know when it's dangerous to go out. Hey, this is my first December with a blog too.