Ruth tagged me with the seven weird things meme.
I'm not tagging- (it's a bonus weird thing- I never played tag in grade school- too much pressure)
1. I seriously believe that at any moment I choose, I could become a chorus member in a Broadway musical. (just the chorus member- let's be realistic
2. One time while watching Mary Tyler Moore, Phyllis came on the screen saying "hi, hi" and I burst into tears.
3. I also believe that at any time now (actually any second) I'll be able to speak and understand Spanish and Italian.
4. Sometimes it's easier to describe the mood I'm in with a number. Today is 38. 74 is a bad day. 63 is a good one. 494 sucks. Given space limitations, I can't reveal the quality of all numbers, but if you need to know, just ask.
5. I think it's really cool that I can look at my fingers, decide to move them and then they move. It feels like a magic trick.
6. I prefer rainy napping days over sunny weather days.
7. There's always a pattern of some sort (numbers-stitches-piano keys) going on in my head.
I changed my mind- if polly_dactyl and Lydee want to play, tag, you're it.
The numbers thing pushed me over the edge, and now I'm laughing. Our default answer for kids' questions that we can't understand is "14." Or "Tuesday." Or "blue." Depends on the day.
I'm with you on rainy days for sure. 4, 5 & 7 both amuse me and make me think. I wonder if I'll be watching my fingers all day now.
i like rainy days too, they are like sit on you hind quarters for free passes.
Your number 2 gave me a chuckle. One time my aunt and grandmother brought my sister and I to see the movie Annie and I burst out in tears when Neil Diamond's song, "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" came on before the movie started.
It was the saddest song my 6 year old ears ever heard. lol
Yeah, the number thing is pretty funny! I'm feeling kinda 74ish with a touch of 3. ha ha.
Your brain works is amazing and mysterious ways!
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