Friday, December 21, 2007

what a wonderful world

I don't have the diversity that Yarnhog describes in in a recent post, but identified myself as more or less Jewish until now lately I think I'm more Buddhist than anything else. This means that as colleagues try to pin a religious label on me so that they think they can understand me, I'm considered by them (because I'm not Christian and I HAVE to be something) "Jewish."

That being said- I'm not so much anything, take no stand regarding the religious practices of others and am just a speck of dust in the wind.

The following is not so much a religious observation as it is one of the basic "Got a clue? Not so much" moments observed recently.

5th grade- had a display of Christmas Around the World decorations on the wall outside of their classrooms. Pictured with several colored menorahs was the sign, "Christmas in Israel."

A colleague gave me a Christmas card (just so you know- I'm happy to get them. I send them on occasion- they're usually more "holiday/winter" themed. I got no problems with them- even the creche/Mary/Jesus ones. I don't expect others to cater to my weirdness.) However- in an attempt to be politically correct this colleague wrote "Happy Hannukah" inside a card with Mary and Jesus on the front. It just blows my mind.

I'm not out to educate the world- especially the grown-ups. If I say anything I fear it would seem that I was getting all religious on their asses and that is also not my intent.

File this under the label- "catch a clue"


Anonymous said...

*laugh* at Happy Hannukah in the Jesus card. It is pretty interesting when you think about it how very few people seem to "get it" when it comes to not being Christian. I was raised as an Orthodox Jew and pretty much self identify as a Conservative Jew (not to be confused with conservative politically heheheh) and it's pretty amazing how many people just don't get that that means I don't view Jesus the same as "everyone else"

Tammy said...

Well then... Happy Winter Holiday and Enjoy the break from work!!

Kim said...

Merry Solstice! I heard somewhere that "ho ho ho" was banned because if was offensive to the prostitutes and now everyone has to say "ha ha ha."

Mag said...

It is pretty funny though I suppose Joseph, Mary and Jesus did celebrate Chanukah at some point, since they were all Jewish themselves. (Shhhhh. It's a deep dark secret that Jesus was Jewish.)

After living in SoCal for 6 years and seeing a plethora of Asian/Christian churches, I like to tell everyone that all the Christians have gone to Buddha and all the Buddhists have gone to Christ. And what the born again Hebrews like Madonna are up to? Well I couldn't say.

I am a 'nothing' too. I respect both Jesus and Buddha, as men who had something important to teach us about living.

Mountain Mama said...

My favorite (as your friend in real life) was the Easter card you got a couple of years ago from our self-declared Athiest friend! I remember you said you wanted to reply,

Dear Athiest Friend,

Thank you for the Easter greetings.

Your Jewish Friend

But you didn't.

Haley said...

my own recent embarrasing moment. i was sending a holiday card to a friend and his wife and their young son. i know he is jewish. i don't know what her religious affiliation is. i carefully chose a card that did not mention christmas. and then like an idiot, i asked if their son was a fan of santa yet. oops! sorry it's been so long since i read your blog. sounds like you've been busy. i enjoyed all your knitting post and your petition. i'm glad your coworkers value you and get your sense of humor. happy holidays!

sophanne said...

HA! poly- I totally forgot about that!

Olga said...

To answer Magatha- Madonna is into Kaballa(sp?) the jewish mysticism- and what that means-I have no clue. All I can figure is that you wear a red string on your wrist . Heh.

Yarnhog said...

Hahaha! I love "Christmas in Israel". In one of my dumber moments (yes, I have them despite my diverse family), I commented to my Jewish husband (many years ago) that it was odd that Jews, who have waited so long for the Messiah, didn't jump at the chance to recognize Christ as that Messiah. "Some do," he said, totally deadpan. "Really?" I asked. "What kind of Jews are those?" "Christians," he replied.

Lapdog Creations said...

Did your little prize package arrive yet?

sophanne said...

no pirze package yet but I'm headed out to check the Saturday mail right now!

Anonymous said...

Do you believe in Santa? Do you believe in love? Do you believe in giving?
Christmas has different meanings and values to different people which is yet another reason why it is such a wonderful and beautiful holiday.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, my mom once gave my playmate's mom a gift in December and said happy Hanukkah, and totally blew the neighbor away. Mom was going, What? Did you think I was going to say Merry Christmas? How silly would that be? She was surprised when the woman told her how often people did say exactly that to her, even when they knew she was Jewish--surprised enough to tell the story to us kids in hopes that we wouldn't ever be that clueless ourselves.