Saturday, March 30, 2019

Items known and unknown

Or how I know middle age is upon us.  I can tell you where everything came from in this photo.  From left to right- dogs bookending bunny came as gifts from cousin.  She buys presents that she would like to receive.  The bunny was a souvenir from the NYC trip with knitnightdrjustine. (Dylan's Candy Store- also where Kimmie Schmitt worked for 5 hot minutes)  The shell are from all from a trip to the Jersey shore when we were first married.  There is a pink flower near the bear's foot. That was a thank you present from Grace the great-niece at the end of a beach visit.  The bear on the right came  from a senior music appreciation student last year.

Then there are the unknowns.  I'm keeping these items together to let the secret entity who bring stuff into the house knows I'm on to it.

These are the items of unknown origin-

The dog had this bear in her mouth one day as a toy.  As can be seen, we do have stuffs laying about but I am relatively familiar with them.  I have never seen this bear before.  The lotion showed up on my vanity looking all "hell yes you bought this and meant to use it."  It's a lie  Greathusbandbob has no knowledge of this foreign object.  It remains a mystery.

On the needles- there are two teachers from the teacher dinner group who are getting married this year.  One of them is the recipient of my "bad santa" gift.  I'm certain the second bride to be is the one who organized my fabulous "get well we love you" gift.  Part of me just wanted to buy dinner for everyone on Thursday but I know that's a little over the top.  Instead I went looking for possible funny knitted wedding paraphenalia and found this.

Right now it's on a water bottle.  It's supposed to be a dishcloth that goes over dishwashing liquid.  I found some sparkly cheap worsted and also some sparkly wedding like ribbon.  I'm going to get a mini bottle of champagne to put it on.

And finally a crack me up Saturday moment.  The neighbor rooster has a speech impediment.  Instead of a full on cockadoodledoo it says cock-doooooooo. Greathusbandbob wondered if maybe it was sick.I suggested that maybe it came from the hood like when the grandson says "I'm fitting" as shorthand for "i'm fixing to" (translated to I'm getting ready to).  It's much easier listening to the rooster when you pretend he's O.G. (Old Gangsta)

Rooster demands prison reform not realizing
 he's free range most of the time and is lucky he hasn't been hit by a car yet.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Roosters are stoopid. You heard it here first.