Friday, March 15, 2019

Made for TV round 1

Daughter of the Mind- Ray Milland- Ed Asner

Ray Milland sees and hears his daughter in what he believes is contact with the spirit world but (spoiler alert) instead ends up being a Russian cold war plot.

As is my tradition, I like to share the lines that catch my ears and make me laugh.

Poor man, he wants so badly for the dead not to be dead.

If Mary could come back then anyone could.  Even my mother who I never treated right.

Don't worry, Debbie always makes that sound when she's going into a trance.  She'll be o.k.

For Mary to come back it had to be with the approval and permission of God.

If you have any friends in the law department here, ask them to define treason, it's a pretty broad definition.

The next feature is The Hunted Lady 1977 with Donna Mills and Robert Reed.

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