Wednesday, March 06, 2019

More get wells and what is my tell?

So I haven’t been a bad word sayer much lately.  Always afraid of the slip at school.  Usually save it for WTF post classroom management episodes shared with other teachers and swearing at the t.v.

And yet I must have a tell-because in addition to the first coloring book from the teacher friends, this came in the mail as a companion gift from the son of husband.  At least they are self-affirming.

These arrived on Monday from the mom- the monkey had to go into immediate witness protection.  He’s apparently preparing to testify against the dog and she’s not having it.  Or else she thought maybe she’d like some mail too.  You know she means business when you hear her little paws click on the table and you’re in the other room.

Remember a long time ago when this blog was self absorbed prattle about O.G. Knitters life and not about medical tribulations, health care, taking care of other people, and what food to eat?  Yea, neither do I.

That being said, I’ve added another week to my sabbatical. Greathusbandbob has the spot on his lung removed April 1st with a 2 night hospital stay and some post operative care.  *insert Yiddish pissants and cockroaches phrase here.*


sunshine said...

Oh my gosh! I am roaring with laughter at your last line!!!!! I remember that so well!

kmkat said...

Teach me your Yiddish swear words! Having always lived in the Upper Midwest, my exposure to Yiddish is confined to movies and tv shows. Oh, and the internet.