Friday, March 15, 2019

In your neighborhood

This is not an accurate picture of our neighbors.  Usually both chicken and rooster can be found free-ranging- much to the dog's consternation.  She has yet to pick a fight with either.  The rooster is actually very beautiful- maybe you can see the green tint in the tail feathers and the fact that his fancy feet are feathered as well.

Another get well card in the mail.  For the record, in sharing these I am not boasting of greatness- more I am always surprised and delighted and want to share.  That being said, is there anything better than "boxed cards in old person handwriting?"  This is from our Sunday lunch friends with aunt.

Yesterday's excursion has left me in some discomfort.  Today will be a guilt free resting day.  I think I will be able to remain guilt free for all of next week as well.  There is a lot that I wouldn't be able to do if I were to return to work- including (and maybe most importantly) protecting kids from danger.

As for audio-visual stimulation- yesterday was an afternoon of Sherlock Holmes (the half hour shows from Sheldon Reynolds as well as the Basil Rathbone shows)  Today I am torn between a spotify playlist that includes a wide range of pop songs that dotted my life (each with it's own memory of time and place) or some made for TV movies on YouTube.  Sometimes the time travel associated with those playlists can suck the energy right out of you so I may save that for later.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

That rooster is gorgeous!

::note to self: dispose of boxed cards::