Wednesday, March 27, 2019

and then

Sunday lunch date-

I think we've hit another phase with the aunt.  She remembered very little of Pat's antics or the funny parts of the week before- She insisted that everyone spoke so quickly she didn't hear it all.  Much of the table conversation involved repeating things someone had just said to help her understand.  She wasn't making all of the connections.  But then she was still hilarious at times.

Time #1- (I am assuming she wasn't serious) We were talking about her love for the ID channel instead of the Hallmark movie channel.  She said "I watch those murders with glee- I'm not sure who Glee is though."

Time #2- Greathusbandbob was discussing his brother's idea of using a known voice to operate Siri and the like.  She didn't understand and he said "Imagine if I recorded my voice..." and before he could finish she said "I don't think you would like the sound of your voice."

Post-op visit to the surgeon-

This visit was yesterday.  I had three things to share with the surgeon. One- the need for frequent urination has vanished. Two- the lower back pain that could find no relief is gone. And three- the whole concept of her and what she does is absolutely amazing.  I emphasized this point repeatedly.  I mean really, she went inside my body, took stuff out, I feel better and everything healed. How does that even work.  Then she shared this with me- A normal uterus weighs between 50-70 grams (the size of one and a half golfballs.  Mine however weighed 268 grams- the size of a hamster. Which definitely explained how my other symptoms were relieved.

After the appointment

I bought three dozen Dunkin Donuts and delivered them to aunt's auxiliary services- specifically the health aides that take her to and from appointments, the pharmacy that makes sure she gets what she needs with zero involvement from me and the tax people.  I love the tax people. I make them laugh- they make me laugh.  They are thoughtful and have to do taxes all day. It always looks so boring that I express my sorrow for their chosen professions every time I go there.  (Kmkat- it's tax season- maybe you need some donuts too?) And it makes them laugh more.  One time my favorite guy was returning papers to a counter that reminded me of a restaurant and I yelled "Order Up!"  They were the happiest to get the donuts also.

Wishing I was there

This came in the mail today from my first grade teacher friend and her kids.  I am officially ready to go back now though I don't feel terribly guilty being at home. Too sweet.


Greathusbandbob has lung surgery on Monday to remove a spot that has been growing.  We are mostly calm and positive.  The CT scan said negative for cancer but they are not foolproof tests. He has a PET scan tomorrow.  Great"stepson"Ian first offered to visit then last night via text said he wanted to be here.  While I said I wasn't opposed to him coming we might need him later.  Essentially I hemmed and hawed because we are trying to keep it low-keyish.  After reflecting on my reply I asked for a do-over and said that if he wanted to be here he should come.  I would love to have him here- he's awesome- and he will have some time on his hands because of a change in jobs.  I am secretly hoping he chooses to come. You heard it here first.

I went to Zumba Monday night and survived.  I am promising myself all zumba classes (3x week). Must go. There is a "country heat" session tonight that I'll go to because I feel like it- this will be the one I am allowed to miss but will go tonight to do something about my colicky sleeping schedule.

Along with that comes a recommitment to eating the right things and not the wrong one.  Once the chocolate bites are gone from the house it's back to no sugar and no meat.  Cheese is out for a while too. Damn I hate that.  This afternoon I cooked 1/2 cup of lentils in 2 cups of vegetable broth and garlic powder for 20 minutes and then added 1/2 cup of jasmine rice for another 20 minutes.  This will be a go to for a while- the texture is good, it makes the right amount and it only takes one pot.

When I first embarked on this eating habit I went for fancy, sometimes complicated, big grocery shop at the end of the week.  This time around I'm going to try to minimize.  Small grocery stops for just some simple things to keep me from being hungry. The surgery may have had some influence in this area as well.  My stomach seems to be better at knowing when to stop eating lately.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

I cannot think of anything better to do with an abdominal hamster than to have it removed. (No taxes for me this year. One of the supervisors was very mean and unprofessional with me last year, plus I would have been the one to do the efile for all the returns my group prepared. That would have been a huge headache. I am quite busy enough, thankyouverymuch.)