Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Heartbreaking Cable Realities.

So I said the pattern was complicated.  I'm thinking I got my construction cheat sheet right but completely f'd up the cable placement on the cheat sheet.

Here's what the side cables should look like-

Here's what they actually look like right now- I got a couple of them right.

At least I've managed the back ones- 

This brings back haunting memories of the Tangled Yoke Cardigan from 2007.

The above picture is from Interweave Magazine- I had beautiful almost lace weight yarn and the whole sweater knitted from the bottom up to the point of the cable rows.  It was knitted on a size 3 needles.  I repeat. A whole sweater on a size 3 needle.  Finally I frogged it in 2011 and have yet to complete the scarf I decided would be easier.

My initial inclination was to take pride in my humanity and it's ability to err. Particularly since I had just removed the sleeves and was ready to work on the body alone. But even as I type this, I know that I will be starting over. At least I can look forward to using those new stitch markers. le sigh.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

I have no words. Humility is no fun when it whomps us over the head to remind us that we can f*ck up. {{{hugs}}}