Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Anniversary and Elephants

Next Tuesday we will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary.

Thanks to a 5yr old birthday party on Facebook I’ve decided we should have a donut tower instead of a cake.

I do love donuts.

The 14 year gift was ivory which led greathusbandbob to surprise me with this necklace.

The traditional 15 year gift is crystal. This came in the mail today.

An antique vintage crystal elephant.  It is so heavy and so beautiful.

Elephants have always been special to me because they make me feel connected to my grandma.  She collected them.  I loved them because she did.  I think we may have transitioned.  While the above remains true, I love them because I love them.  The following purchases were recently made illustrating said point. Stitch markers and my spring shoes.

These to replace my go to winter shoes (as long as it’s not raining) I am officially a Tom’s fan.

Here is one I saw in person, running free in the world.  Hey elephant, you’re awesome. Grandma would have loved you.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Now I want to collect elephants, too.