Monday, July 23, 2012


It is good to be home and almost refreshed.  One of the best parts about returning home were seeing these.

You may remember the spot as the location of last year's rubber corn.  There are dinner plate size ones growing behind these cuties- they take a little longer.

In other back to normal goings on, last night  Mr. Sophanne made one of his fabulous roast beef sandwiches on french bread for dinner.  Let it be known that I get a sandwich like this every day for lunch during the school year.

In his continuing run of things not working exactly like they're supposed to, it took eating about 3/4's of the sandwich to realize that he used this (tartar sauce) instead of horseradish sauce.  Having eaten so many differently condimented cold cut sandwiches in Switzerland (they like their sweet pickles) I couldn't quite place the difference right away.  

I'm in charge of dinner tonight- I'm going to try to make some chicken parm.  Hope I don't accidentally use fish!  bwah hahahaha


Kris said...

Kris was here

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love Switzerland? I'm always amazed at how freaking pretty it is. As a Swiss girl myself I've been there a fair bit and gain 10 pounds as soon as the plane lands. So much delicious food.

Welcome home! Nothing like sleeping in your own bed.