Monday, August 18, 2008

Live and In Person

Saw this somewhere else and at notscarlett's blog. Mr. Sophanne said he'd play.

Me: What is your favorite thing about my knitting?
You like it. It's something you enjoy

Me: What is your least favorite thing about my knitting?
It's messy sometimes. It's clutter.

Me: What is something I have knitted that you recall as being good?
The hats.

Me: Those were crochet honey.
I like the one sweater you have.

Me: Do you think knitters have an expensive hobby?
It's not expensive but it's pricey. It can become compulsive.

Me: Do you have any hobbies?

Me: What are your hobbies?

Me: If we compared money spent on hobbies, who would win?
It's even.

Me: Has my knitting in public ever embarrassed you?

Me: Do you know my favorite kind of yarn?

Me: Can you name another blog?
I don't know any blogs.

Me: Do you mind that I want to check out yarn stores everywhere we go?
no not at all. Gives you something to do. I do heroin. That's a joke.

Me: Do you understand the importance of a swatch?
Is that like a piece of fabric you look at?

Me: It's something you knit
I have no idea- it's not a watch and it's not a piece of carpet you look at.

Me: Do you read my blog?

Me: Do you think the house would be cleaner if I didn't knit?
yes, ehh, I don't think so. no.

Me: Is there anything you would like to add in closing?
Happy everybody's happy and I'm happy too.

In knitting- Just as the gymnasts seemed to be overshooting some of there landings last night, I overshot the front below the sleeve on the left side of Salt Peanuts last night. It's frogged and ready to go now. I didn't join ravelympics but maybe this is a trial run. Back and most of left front done.


Tammy said...

Fun post! I'll have to see if I can get my husband to play along.

Writing seems like it would be much less expensive than knitting though.

Yarnhog said...

I have to agree with Tammy. How could writing be as expensive as knitting? (*lightbulb goes on*) Oh, you ARE good! He doesn't know, does he? ;)

Anonymous said...

i want to do this with my hubby. curious to hear his answers!!!! Loved reading yours!

btw---6 more days!!!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

This is great! I wish I was currently knitting/crocheting because I would love to interview Mountain Papa. But it wouldn't be the same because I haven't been doing it lately.

I think "writing" is an expensive hobby because of "research trips" Mr. Sophanne has taken. Like, they went to Maine a couple years ago for research.

Haley said...

i can't imagine what my husband would say if i asked him these questions. i'm sure he'd be very diplomatic. enjoyed this post.

Haley said...

i can't imagine what my husband would say if i asked him these questions. i'm sure he'd be very diplomatic. enjoyed this post.

Haley said...

i can't imagine what my husband would say if i asked him these questions. i'm sure he'd be very diplomatic. enjoyed this post.