My clutter lives in 4 places in the House of Sophanne. Most of it is in a small basement office, pictured below.

It accumulated here when I became Mrs. Sophanne and moved into Mr. Sophanne's house. If I didn't know what to do with it, it went here. Also compounding this collection was the amount of time it took Mr. Sophanne to realize that I had hobbies and they would take up space. His interests aren't so space intensive.
Of late this clutter has been spreading to here:

There is also a decent sized pile of clutter in the knitting in front of the t.v. seat and the next to the bed shelfy thing. The "stuff that makes me happy" is all over the house. Most of it in a teeny office next to the mud room. Before I collected yarn, I collected books. Before there were ipods, I collected cd's.
Today all "stuff" will be going to the "real" room and the extra bed will be going to the mini office. This entails moving books, bookshelves, and a bed up and down 13 narrow steps.
I've made a good start, but not without difficulty

Note to self- just letting the mattress (however soft it seems when used properly) slide down the stairs is probably not a good idea. Hey Claw- send an email telling me how easy this will be to fix.
Oh my! I know I'm not the claw but fixing that little boo boo shouldn't be too awful bad. It's getting the fresh paint to not be noticeable that'll be the thing. Have fun moving stuff around -- I know it's not a job I love.
That's quite the chore you got going on there. Hang tough. It will be over before you know it. I agree with Yvonne about the patching. That will be easy, it's the paint thing.
You know, having the stuff that makes you happy all over the house makes for a happy household!!
you are a brave person! thank goodness for the claw's sound advice. happy decluttering :-)
That is quite a bit of clutter. I thought I saw a pogo stick in there! Good luck with your organization project. Once it's done you'll feel so wonderful!
*chuckle* I think everyone has to learn that mattress thing on their own. You can fix that with a slap of drywall mud (joint compound). Spread it on, let it dry, sand it lightly. I can't tell from the picture, but if you have some sort of spray-on texture (knock-down or orange peel), buy a can of that and spray a little on. After it dries, prime and paint. It sounds more complicated than it is.
I'm cracking up about the pigpen comment! I abound in clutter myself. I just never know where to put all my stuff.
I'm impressed with your progress so far! Yet still unmotivated to begin my own much needed end-of-summer de-cluttering work.
Wow - your basement room looks just like my younger kid's room. Every couple of months I bulldoze my way in there and we start making piles. BIG piles. That's the only way it ever gets cleaned up. Lucky for him he has a mom who hangs up her clothes by type and color and groups books by topic and author. Hmm...or maybe that should read, "unluckily for him..."
You are so brave! I'm way too chicken to post pics of my clutter. My mother reads my blog and might be ashamed of me. (I used to be the neat daughter.) Congrats on your progress tho!
get out of my house! ;p
Oh dratted hobbies and their space-taking ways. When I moved my stuff into my studio, i could not believe the amount of stuff I had squirreled away. Oh no, squirrel has too neat a ring, maybe more like pack ratted.
Subject: I tried to post this on your blog - do not know how
you are required to post it on your blog comments section for me
Miss Sophanne – allow me to prescribe an easy, no mess, no fuss sure-fire way to deal with the damaged wall. There will be no need to make a trip to Lowes for supplies and a return trip to Lowes because you forgot something on the first trip. There will be no need for cleanup afterwards and you will not be adding to the clutter with the left over supplies. And, you will at the same time lower your clutter problem. Considering all of this and the fact that I know you – go to one of the clutter sites – grab a picture and hang it over the hole. the Claw
It is a tough job but you have to straighten it all out, if only to clean all surfaces properly to ensure you and your family's health. I live in a cluttered house too. It is exhausting to look at, but I move in three weeks, so that will be that. Now I can clutter up a brand new house!
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