Tammy's comment on the last post about being kind to my jealous self made me realize that I was just being lazy about photographing the fiber so I made myself useful and here's the stash-
First up some basic wool no tags but a real deal- planning on being a basic EZ pullover with some fair isle in the yoke.

This next one is mohair- fingering weight. It's called Bird of Paradise but I've been calling it watermelon in my head. I am going to try to make the lettuce leaf scarf with it.

I can't tell you how much alpaca spoke to me this past weekend. Even after the alpaca grinch I just finished. I loved the natural colors of this and I'm not sure what it's going to be but I've got 1800 yards to play with.

Why didn't I pay closer attention to the basket I pulled this from? There's no tag on it or the other 3 skeins. I'm pretty sure I've got about 1500 yards of it. Might have some linen/flax in it. It's a little rough but I love the color combo. I have no plans for it yet.

This is some Rowan plaid. Buying Rowan at a Fiberfest? Are you whacked? Regularly $16.95/ball selling for $5/ball. Couldn't walk by. Should have picked up some of the Big Wool when I had the chance. Yvonne thinks this would make a lovely oversized Clapotis. hmmmm

This was another "Sunday steal". 50% yak- 50% merino. (regularly $20 purchased at $8) I see a vest with a cable in the front for this one.
Realize there's that phrase "the best laid plans..." etc but there is the flash stash for MDSW 2008- Thanks to Tammy for pushing me to it!
All hell DID break loose, didn't it? I wish I could say that I was virtuous, but I wasn't...
I have serious stash envy
Wanna trade for some crappy neon green acrylic? Yeah...I didn't think so.
Love the colors in that mohair! And alpaca....mmmmm. As for the yak yarn, well, I'd have bought it just for the chance to tell people my sweater was made of yak.
I'm glad my buying wool in bulk spurred on your buying. It's fun being an enabler, espeically when you don't realize it. Love the color theme of all your new yarn. I knit my very first scarf with Rowan plaid. It knits up lovely and would make an excellent Clappy.
You did good! Becky you make me smile......
I love how we all are enablers to a fellow knitter at some time or another. I love your haul & look forward to the projects you produce form it. I like Clapotis & it's on my to do someday list. The Rowan would be lovely. Kim made me do the top-down cardi just by looking at her post on hers. She's pretty tricky I think. Better be on our guard in the future with her, lol!
Test the mystery fiber. Snip off two one-inch pieces. Put on in a tiny (bottle-cap full) bit of chlorine bleach. If it dissolves completely overnight, it's all animal fiber. If there's anything left, that part is either plant fiber or artificial.
While you wait, hold the other piece in kitchen tongs over the sink, and light it with a match, then blow it out. If it smells like burning hair, it's animal fiber; if it smells like paper, it's plant fiber. Let it cool and feel the ash - if it's solid, it's plastic (or a blend), if it crumbles to fine ash, it's all natural.
Congrats on your haul, and thanks for showing it to us. We can look forward to lots of knitting pictures in the blog now, right? ::ducks and runs::
Really nice selections--you did well!
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