Sunday, November 21, 2010


Why is ice cream so good?

Why could I eat it for every meal?

Who thought of putting ice cream in between two chocolate chip cookies? That person should have be financially responsible for the personal trainer I now require.

Why is it that even less than perfect combinations of ice cream and stuff (I tried the m&m cones/drumstick ones) is still better than any balanced meal I could ever hope to concoct? (except the ones maybe involving lots of cheese which really aren't balanced at all)


Mr. Sophanne returns tomorrow when I hope to return to a slightly less ice-cream-filled eating schedule. It's just been so quick and easy for meal time and there's no one around to give even the hint of a guilty look or ask, "another one? really?" (the only time the dog gives that look is when I don't share it with her which is never.)


Anonymous said...

It's like that when you live alone, hunny.:)P

JelliDonut said...

Ice cream is a food group. Just ask my cat. She gets to lick the bowl, or else!

flutter said...

I just want an ice cream iv

roxie said...

Icecream in one hand and hot chocolate in the other equals a balanced diet.

Love it while you can. I grew to be lactose intolerant, and if I eat a bowl of ice cream, I'll poop my brains out. Sorbets are a poor, thin substitute.

Yarnhog said...

With three dogs, I have built in ice cream consumption control. I never get more than half a serving.