Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tickets, get your tickets.

Last night at knit night, D told us about a dog she had that once ate playoff tickets to a Steelers game. Steeler ticket workers must know dogs, she got them replaced without her husband turning in the remnants of the old ones.

C had an hysterical story about going to the Pittsburgh Symphony.

C: Do you have the tickets?
Husband of C (pointing confidently to his breast pocket): They're right here.

At this point many of you think, as I did, that he did not have the tickets. This is only partially true.

When they approached the usher, husband handed him the tickets which were 2 raffle tickets for 500 lbs. of meat. Usher said "What's this?" Husband said, "oops." Usher asked C if she knew where she was to sit, she did, the symphony went on as usual.

500 POUNDS OF MEAT!! Bwah ha ha.

One time (in college)I won a silver painted Budweiser horse statue under plastic with the words "Bud Light" underneath because I had the right ticket.

Got any good ticket stories?


Anonymous said...

This is the best I can do: 2 weeks ago at the middle school honor band concert, the students were taking their seats on stage with their instruments. An 8th grade boy came up to his teacher (not me) on stage and said, "I can't find my instrument." (This concert was at a different school than his home school). The teacher said, "well look around." He looked everywhere and asked around, "have you seen my instrument?"

A couple minutes later, the kid came back, panicked: "I can't find it and I've looked everywhere!" The teacher said, "Jimmy, did you bring it IN?" The kid said "no, I thought YOU were bringing it!"

I'm sure you can imagine the steam rolling off of the teacher's forehead at this point. They let him borrow one from the host school and the concert went on...

What does this have to do with tickets? At the end of the concert, they announced the winners of the 50/50 drawing. Guess who had the winning ticket?

Yarnhog said...

500 pounds of meat?! Haven't these people ever seen "I Love Lucy"?

Jenn said...

Wow, 500 pounds is a lot of meat!

Kim said...

Holy crap! 500 lbs of meat. That's a lot of meat.

Cindy said...

I have nothing as good as your stories.

JessaLu said...

I'm still stuck at 500 lbs of

Anonymous said...

I have no luck at winning anything, but my sister wins something at almost EVERY event she attends that has a drawing of any kind. She went to a luncheon on Thurs and won TWO prizes and had to decide which one to keep...lucky lucky!!!!