Monday, September 03, 2007

Cable Exploration- boldly going...

Hooray for Jennifer for boldly playing, trying and naming (GBCAC) yesterday's "This is a what if, o.k.?" I also tried it at the top of the felted bag and it was kind of cool the way it pulled everything to the right and gave the bag a shape. I see more experimentation in my future.

Here's how it ended up

One thing that I learned (that I really should have known already) is that some colors felt more beautifully than others. I'm not so impressed with the way this one looks, but it was fast and interesting. I'm thinking that if one were to change where the needle was in the middle of yesterday's what if, you might get sort of a branching cable like on a tree. That is for another day.

Today I have to follow this secret code if (that is self-abbreviated Eunny's pattern is pictoral-I'm more verbal) if I want to make progress on the Strangeld Web (I call it that because there are so many searching for it and then they get to my site and well...) Get out your cable decoder rings.

{2nf(2,2)x1nb(2,1)2nf(2,2)2nb(2,2)xx} 12x's and knit center and then {xx2nf(2,2)2nb(2,2)2nf(1,2)x2nb(2,2)} 12x's.


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Love the bag, I've never felted anything (on purpose!) so I'm always amazed at what people come up with. As for that code...ummm, do you know the song "They're coming to take me away"??

YawnOver said...

The bag looks great :) but that code looks freaky! Good luck!

Yarnhog said...

My brain just seized. You're kidding, right? What's "nb"? How about "12x's"? Must be Latin.

sophanne said...

nf=cable needle in front
nb=cable needle in back

That's the pattern stitch that you have to repeat 12 times in row 8.

Hence- the moebius took my attention instead.

There will be a "full view" of moebius once I don't look like a sweaty globby summer mess. GHB tried it last night but the glare was too much.

Olga said...

Ever see the movie 'A Beautiful Mind'? If you start stickin those codes into a mail box, have Bob call for help.