Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pick Up the Pieces

Liza the Dog has a new theme song that goes through my head when we go for a walk. Cracks Me Up. Go ahead and play the YouTube- the album cover is the only video so it's a speedy load.


Kim said...

I know that song! Never knew the name of the song or the band before. Classic funky disco! I can see you and Liza easing on down the road to this tune!

Mary Kathryn said...

OK... funny! Our boy's initials just happen to be AWB, which was pointed out to me by a former hippie, btw, but I digress....
Liza is adorable as ever and I can hear that tune, too, when I see her pic.

5elementknitr said...

Funkadelic dog walkin'. I can see Liza trottin' along to the beat.