Saturday, November 22, 2008

B-day the Second

Last year Mr. Sophanne's birthday happened on the Sunday of MDSW. I didn't know when I would get home and we had Birthday cake on the Thursday before I left. When I came home on Sunday, it was still his birthday and the bakery was fortunately open. The THursday cake was ugly ugly ugly. WOuld that had been around then. I got him a second birthday cake.

No doubt not to be outdone, Mr. Sophanne gave me a second b-day party with a Boston Creme Pie. Mind you, we already had plenty of treats that the mamofsophanne sent the day before. I think he just wanted to blow up some more balloons.


Anonymous said...

I cannot think of a better reason to have a second birthday party than wanting to blow up more balloons.

Yvonne said...

What a thoughtful, thoughtful Mr. Sophanne!! And blowing up balloons? Great fun!