Saturday, July 28, 2007

Crack (me up) Saturday- not to be denied

I thought I was doing enough vicarious freaking out for Yarnhog's moths. I also thought that my thoughts and life of late had become serene enough to not even have a self-deprecating idea for Crack (Me Up) Saturday.

GHB is out of the house, enjoying his favorite "hobby." I'm home on the couch quietly enjoying mine- alternating between Malabrigo Moeibus and rereading Watership Down. The reread was actually inspired by a comment from Yarnhog.

Suddenly, there is a cat wollering across the room. Since Sophie's death, Annabelle has been meowing a lot. I'm sure she's been a little traumatized by both Sophie's absence and the fact that we then left her alone for 10 days. I thought this was your typical "pay attention to me" call. After she refused to come over, I investigated and found her and baby bunny. Baby bunny was playing dead. I didn't know that.

A few minutes later, there was a baby bunny in my stash-

She brought her in through a hole in the screen door. I wouldn't recommend a paper bag and a whisk broom when chasing bunnies. After several futile attempts with those tools, I remembered how the doors in our basement worked.

Den, door, laundry room, door, storage room, door, mud room, door to the outside. A little coercion saved bunny from kitty in the laundry room. A little more sent her hopping unscathed on her way out the mudroom door.

That baby bunny has a story to tell when it gets home. My heart just started slowing down.


Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

That's funny. I can picture you herding the bunny.

Yarnhog said...

I rescued a baby bunny from my dog once. It was a newborn, and for over a month, I bottle fed it and carried it everywhere in a little flannel pouch under my shirt. And then I weaned it to solid food, and the ungrateful little thing had the nerve to die and almost broke my heart (I was six months pregnant, though, so I might have overreacted).

And now I have to ask, since Watership Down is one of my favorite books, what comment?

sophanne said...

'doh! The Velveteen Rabbit was the book you referred to- she'll always be "real." Must have been reason enough for me to read Watership Down. Now THAT cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a riot! Almost as exciting as a bat in the kitchen at 5 in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Watership Down and a bunny in the basement. Was it Hazel? Blackberry?

sophanne said...

I have to believe, with it's luck, it was Fiver.

Anonymous said...

What excitement!!Good work getting the bunny out safe.
We had a squirrel once and the dog was hysterical (as was I).

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Pure kismet to have been reading Watership Down at that moment!!

Anonymous said...

Awe bunny! The best I ever got from a cat was a mole. Our current cat isn't even interesting in rodents.

Olga said...

Hello! Hello! Thank you so much for keeping the candle lit for my return, hopefully I'll be boarding the ol' blogging train tomorrow! And I LOVE Watership Down, all my kids have read it too. Such a classic.My SIL cat brought her a dead mouse the last day we were there, she even stepped on it getting up from bed. ;o)

Lydee said...

You are definitly feeling the invasion vibes. Please don't pass them along to me, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! Your cat must be an excellent hunter to catch a baby bunny. I think I'd freak if I had a wild rabbit in my house (alive or dead). I watched a Sopranos DVD last night where Arthur Bucco shoots a rabbit in his garden and then serves it to some customers in his restaurant.