Thursday, July 19, 2007

Spin City Part 3- Vancouver B.C.

It takes approximately 2 minutes to carry 3 strollers down the steps of the detour at 3rd St on Vancouver, B.C.'s sea wall. The number of people waiting to go in the opposite direction appears to be directly proportional to the number of people coming down. This does not include time for any emotional meltdowns. There must be something good in the Vancouver air.

Gauge will vary when placed in a variety of stressful and not so stressful locations. My travel advice? Knit with imaginary yarn. I was actually between socks just then having completed a fabulous pair using Regia-my new favorite sock yarn- and one sock in Trekking. I am proud to say that both were PATTERNED socks. I've graduated from the stockinette sock.

Are you tired yet? Do you feel like you were there? Did you get the subtlety of the title of these posts? Is it clear now that people who do not have children go on vacation with children to realize that the rest of their life IS a vacation? Many blessings to the mamas and the papas out there. I would lose my freakin' mind.


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Q:Is it clear now that people who do not have children go on vacation with children to realize that the rest of their life IS a vacation?

A: YES!!! Hey, those of us with kids don't want to go on vacation with our kids, either!;)

The Pacific NW is an awesome destination, however, and it looks like you had a great time. LOVE the imaginary sock pic!

Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes after a vaction with a kid(s), you need another vacation alone. Just in the past couple years have we been able to bring out son places and expect him to behave. He didn't get on a plane til he was 6 years old. We avoided any significant travel until he no longer needed a stroller. Although every kid reaches that point in the day when they just whine and whine.

Anonymous said...

What gets me are the giant strollers that look like mini cars. I get antsy seeing other people negotiating stairs with them.

My parents took me everywhere when I was growing up. I'll have to ask them if they thought it was nightmarish. ;)