Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Spin City Part 1

I've noticed that in knitter's blogland, we thankfully do not report on every single stitch made. Mostly just the interesting bits, the successes, the questions, the moments of glory, and the lessons learned.

Working within that framework, I will now share what I learned while I was on vacation.

While I can appreciate (to a certain degree) the philosophy of Waldorf Schools, my limited experience suggests that it may not be the ideal learning situation in all circumstances. I may change this opinion when I learn their approaches whining children.

No matter how hard you try, a 2 year old that looks exactly like Will Ferrell's YouTube Pearl WILL NOT say "You Pay Now." She knows when she's being played.

If you need someone to entertain young children (provided they've not yet reached a meltdown point) a music teacher and a grandfather are the way to go.


Anonymous said...

And maybe a back-up clown to scare the kids when grand-dad and the music teacher poop out. Maybe not, clowns are scary. My son was very frightened of clowns when he was small. I love that Will Ferrell "Landlord" video!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Wow. There are a lot of kids in that picture!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah what ADD said. And half of them are nekkid!

Olga said...

That would of been priceless if you could of got that kid to do the Pearl scene! I'm not familiar too much with Waldorf schools, I know its very hands on for those type of learners.