Thursday, March 08, 2007

another day of learning to knit

It's another day of MD knitting. MM asked if we could have a Mason Dixon knitting club and call it the Knit-Pickers. She said "there's just too much to learn." I'm game if they are. She learned about David Reidy's "tongue knitting" today. That's knitting that's so tricky that you have to stick out your tongue to do it.

1 comment:

sunshine said...

I like MM's name. You are a knit picker. I don't know how you have the patience to sit with all of them and teach them this. You will be the one teacher they will always remember. Just think, when she is grown and someone sees her knitting and wishes they could do it, they will ask her-- "How did you learn to do that?" She will say Mrs. xxxxxxxx taught me. You will live in infamy(sp??).