Saturday, July 11, 2009

Puget Sound

Every now and then the camera can make things look more dramatic than they really are. Things aren't quite this dark but there has been some thunder and it looks promising.

Also missing are the sound effects of Mr. Sophanne talking about his ancestry and the book he's been working on about it, 5 laughing screaming children and one daughter-in-law talking about what she wants to do to her house next. You can filter the pleasant and unpleasant sounds for yourself

Steak, salmon, and an avocado salad with some water chesnut-like crunchy addition (that I can't remember the name of) for dinner with fresh green beans and bread. (now I feel like I'm twittering but I told you I was going to share the experience-and it's keeping me sane.)

Groceries for lunch and dinner purchased along with a small package of Fran's decadent award winning gray salt caramels. Daughter of Mr. Sophanne (not the house talker) is an herbalist and I'm not sure if this is a standard PMS cure but it certainly did not hurt.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the water chestnut-like crunch was jicama?

Lydee said...

carmels look yummy!!!!