Monday, July 13, 2009

new beach houses

Mr. Sophanne and entourage returned from the store with poptarts, fruitloops, and 3 bags of gummy worms ignoring the fact that they just had eggs, soy milk, and toast as per what the mama recommends.

This for children whose dietary sugar is limited generally to one small candy/piece of gum a day. I was not amused and almost became the tsk tsk'er but then figured- what the hell-it's vacation for them too. If we keep feeding them sugar, we can prolong the meltdown. So far so good but I feel really bad for the mama and the papa tonight.

After amply supplied with empty calories we explored at the shore. No crab was safe. I insisted that Bob explain the Buddha's "Hurt no Living Thing" premise to them and without complaint, when we left, the crabs were returned to their natural habitat. They may need some trauma therapy after being banished to the "punishment shell" within the rock circle of crabness.

Mr. Sophanne also introduced one of his favorite pastimes- "Nature Art."

We're looking forward to watching the tide slowly decimate this abode in "our" back yard. It was all we could do not to throw rocks at it to speed up the process.

We drove down the road a bit to explore swimming options for tomorrow and found more shore very similar to that in the back yard.

I learned that you can do the same thing in a different place with kids and to them it will feel different. (I knew it was true of the songs we sing in kindergarten-same tune-different words-only the very brightest will pause and say "hey... that sounds like...") The house building continued.

After the youngest said "I'm Hungry" we skipped the trip to the grocery store- I was oh so wary of the meltdown potential- and ate at a nearby Mexican Restaurant- a stroke of brilliance on the part of Mr. Sophanne and stupidly- something I wouldn't have thought of. And now here's the kicker... we didn't have a doggie bag. All kids ate all food (each other's and/or their own) and there was no food trauma.

A public thanks to all of the experienced mamas reading and commenting and joining me on this trip. It has reduced my stress level considerably to know you're out there and have got my back.


Sharon said...

Avoiding kid meltdowns while on vacation is huge. You totally made the right call in stopping to eat right away!

It looks like you and Mr. Sophanne are having some beautiful times up there; I'm enjoying being on this trip with you. Thanks for the anecdotes and pics!

Lydee said...

mr. sophanne's 'nature art', lol! i figure when the kids are on vacation, they can eat whatever, espc when their cousins are eating whatever. although, we still had our share of meltdowns. ;-)

YawnOver said...

PopTarts are a right, not a privilege, during vacations, and should be at other times.

You are a great stepmom. Don't sweat the times when you feel like throttling everyone. Them's just Normal Mother Feelings. Trust me on this.

I have to admit, though, that I am a bit confused (and nosy) - are the teens from a few posts back also part of the Sophanne clan? Or were they borrowed younguns? Inquiring minds...

Yarnhog said...

It's your job as grandparents (and just let me snicker about that for a minute, if you would!) to spoil the grandkids rotten and feed them all sorts of crap their mother won't let them eat. Just ask my mom. She was the wheat germ and salad queen when I was growing up. I leave my kids with her and she stuffs them full of sugar cereals and candy I would have killed for as a kid. Her defense? "I can send them home for you to deal with." So you're doing just fine!

Carol said...

I still have meltdowns if I am hungry enough. Never mind a kid. Good call on getting food pronto!