Sunday, June 02, 2019


There is a breeze that can be felt at sunset when the last bit of sunlight dips below the horizon.

That is the same easy breath of relief that comes when driving home to begin summer vacation.

The year ended in classic "can you believe this $hi! manner.  I went to the principals office for my yearly evaluation.

I decided to up my game and call myself "distinguished" which involves writing paragraphs containing evidence of such.  It an also involve sharing student work as proof of achievement.

I was playing examples of student work and my evaluator was talking over it (like it was a radio in the background) telling me about her tax issues.

She agreed with and wrote positive comments in all of my distinguished categories.  Because she did not double check the electronic form, I came out as "accomplished" (one step lower) on the paper instead. Oh irony of ironies.

On Wednesday last week she shared next years tentative schedule with the faculty so that we could point out problem areas and inconsistencies (of which there were many)  She thought she pop on over to her office to fix them which I, of course knew wouldn't happen.  The special ed teacher joined her as an extra set of eyes (at her request). It never got resolved and we moved on to the irrelevant math session.

The special ed teacher took what had been submitted home and spent 5 hours making it work. (the same thing I used to do.) When she handed it to the principal saying she believe that she fixed it, the principal disregarded it.  No surprise there.  Famous quote circa 2016 YOU WILL NEVEER DO THE SCHEDULE WHILE I'M PRINCIPAL.

The good news is that none of this is anything more to me than something to write about.  The exit breeze has been felt and nothing else matters.

And for the second Sunday in a row we have found ourselves stranded at the side of the road.  Last week the wheel ball joint came completely disconnected from the vehicle. We were able to make it to the home of the Aunt's but there was about 2 miles of traveling in Morgantown that were completed by divine intervention because when we went to tow it- it would not even move forward. We had our first uber ride. We were out of sorts until it made it to the local dealer via tow.  It was repaired and all was well.

Today on the way out we noticed that the air wasn't really working. Halfway home the lights were flashing and the reserve radiator was not delivering coolant.  We pulled over once, pulled over again and one of greathusbandbob's friends lived nearby and took us home.  We drove my car back to his and managed to get his to the dealer to see what's in store for it tomorrow.  It's so great that greathusbandbob has spent the last 15 years building relationships with the dealership.

Tomorrow- the first adventure of the summer brings a dentist appointment, an eye appointment and a trip to walmart with the aunt. and in spite of the scheduling of that she still managed a passive aggressive complaint about never getting out.

1 comment:

sunshine said...

Aunt complained to other Aunt the same thing! How are the nails done? Just curious!