Sunday, April 15, 2012

in the works

About a year ago I tried to sew something. I'm sure it was because vanfox or redsilvia had posted some clever garment they had whipped up. When I tried to sew, my machine wouldn't work. I purchased another from the boxstore. I was too frustrated by the time I got it to complete what I was doing. I have yet to use this machine.

Yesterday Mr. Sophanne wanted to go clothes shopping. He and I are the opposite of the rest of the universe. I'd almost rather go to the dentist than have to muddle through overwhelming racks of clothes trying to find something that fits my body and my personality. He, on the other hand, can spend a great deal of time deciding which color and size works best for him. I opted to go to the nearby Joanne's instead. I will be attempting monkey jams sometime this week. I figure if he can spend $30 on a belt, $45 for sewing a pair of pajama bottoms isn't really that much.

Knitting animals is still happening. It's another bear in the works, as yet unnamed. Come to find if I just do a little bit each night I have much more patience when assembling.

Also on the needles (although there's a whole boatload of stuff on needles- this is just the needles that are currently in my hands) is the foreign correspondents scarf. It's interesting enough to keep me engaged and easy enough to memorize. I'm doing it in what once was my tangled yoke cardigan.

That whole blogging more often thing hasn't worked out as I had planned so far. Sewing a pair of pajama bottoms might be just what this blog needs for some laughs.


Suzanne said...

I really like the scarf pattern...very nice work!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Pajama pants are so easy to make. I make them for the girls all the time. I can't wait to see the finished product!

roxie said...

The jammie pants are too cute! Will you model? Or are they for Scott?

Is the scarf reversible? Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

How appropriate that I comment after the spammer...

Yay for jammie sewing! Get going! You'll love your jammies, I sew oodles of them and unlike knitting, I do share those with my friends. Of course when you get very proficient with the sewing, you will have to make all your friends' cushions and curtains.

JelliDonut said...

Somewhere lost in my bedroom is a bag from Joanne's. It has jammy fabric and a pattern, which probably won't fit anyone who lives/lived in this house. I bought it about three years ago when DD decided she wanted to learn to sew. I'm betting you'll get to your jammies before I get to mine.