Wednesday, April 14, 2010


2 days 5:00 a.m. not really worthy of a full yippee- maybe just a "yip." Thank you thank you thank you for the you can do it comments. I've seriously considered printing them out and putting them next to the alarm clock.

This morning, as per my request, Mr. Sophanne walked into the sleeping place at 5:00 a.m. and said "Hey Old Lady, Get Your Arse Out of Bed." I did indeed request that particular phrase. I wanted to get up laughing.

Yesterday I was on that treadmill, cruising at a cool 3.2 mph when a young kid came in, got on the one next to me and started speeding along. He was going at least 4 mph- maybe even 4.5. It cracked me up! There we were-he was running like crazy and he never got ahead of me- we stayed perfectly even. There's some kind of time-space continuum joke happening there.

re: knitting- does anyone remember whether I "used smaller needle for border and switched to larger needle size" for the pattern on that Kilkenny shawl? No? Bueller? 28" later and it seems to have slipped my mind.

re: the unexplainable- yesterday 2 parents came to school and asked if we were having a moment of silence "for the homosexuals" on Friday. Because if we were, their kids weren't coming. One clever tech teacher said (in the privacy of the lunchroom) "Oh was that this Friday? Shoot. We did that LAST Friday... oops." Anyone have any idea where this came from? I know we're pretty close in the calendar to Yom Hashoa (Holocaust Remembrance Day) but that's quite a stretch.

Tomorrow is the Brandon Mably workshop- now that's worth a full YIPPEE!


Cindy said...

Yay!!! I knew you could, Becky!! Be patient, though. Is there a tortoise/hare connection with the treadmill story;-P And, I have absolutely no idea where those parents came up with that unless the kids were texting a rumor just to pull some chains.

Anne Campbell said...

Congratulations! You can get a real feeling of accomplishment from exercising. Make sure you don't ask too much of yourself too soon.

Lydee said...

we had a moment of silence for the miners, not sure where the homosexual thing came from. weird.

Knitting Out Loud said...

And a big YAY for Brandon Mably!

Cheryl said...

WOw, Brandon Mably!!! I bet that will be a great class!!!!

Are you going to sheep and wool??

sophanne said...

Not going to Sheep and Wool this year but I've made arrangements to go next year- how's that for planning ahead!

Yarnhog said...

Say what? Bizarre.

Have fun tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that my sense of humour at 5am would allow for "Hey Old Lady..." but good work. Hope the gym going is going great.
I have no idea who Brandon Mably is, I'll go now and look it up.