Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ribbit (really)

So today in kindergarten I wanted to play a "magic trick." All kids turned their backs to myself and Hunter. When I played magical music, Hunter was to run to the corner and hide. I would replace him with a frog (fake.) When the kids turned around it would feel like he turned into a frog.

I was trying to quietly explain this to Hunter while their backs were turned and said, "They'll think I turned you into a frog!" He said "but not really, right?"

Them kids are fun-nee.


Anonymous said...

You said you could do magic.

Yarnhog said...

LOL! Oh, yeah. I wish I could magically turn people into frogs at will!

Anonymous said...

Hey if you ever master that skill as well as your knitting, let me know. I have a few requests! A few people I know would make better frogs than humans...LOL

Haley said...

they are the best.