Tuesday, October 20, 2009


In an attempt to continue the candy machine ruse, I put quarters in all of the slots of the vending machine today just before lunch. Secretary got a "freebie." I got a "freebie." Physed teacher (remember Chicken Bob?) got a "freebie." And, while my naive protégé looked longingly at the machine, he refrained. I was most disappointed, as yesterday he turned every knob when we walked in. I plan on refilling the slots again tomorrow- just in case. This will be the best $15 I'll have spent in quite some time.

Knit night tonight. I'm still mad at the chartreuse vest. Instead I am just past the break for the sleeves on a top down sweater ala Barbara Walker with some subtle college team colors. It's leftover Cascade from when I didn't make the EZ adult surprise jacket. I might be able to make six more.

Did I mention that last Sunday after returning home from my Steubyville visit, Mr. Sophanne made a Pot Roast in the Crock Pot and it was AweSome? I love that guy. I'm telling you because I think he is wondering if I blogged about it and I feel a little "oblogated."


Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading what the young man says on MLIA about the magic vending machine ;-)

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying naive boy's antics with the candy machine. 3 cheers for Mr. Sophanne!!!

Sunshine said...

You are so 'punny'!!

Carol said...

Heh. Nothing like a little fun to spice up the work day. I read somewhere that children laugh 15 times more often than adults. Gof or it. We could all use a little more fun.