Wednesday, May 06, 2009


It's puzzling to me that guacamole and glaucoma are so similar in sound and appearance and so different in really life.


Yarnhog said...

I just spit coffee on my keyboard; your fault, totally!

When I was a kid, I went to the eye doctor, and he did a test for glaucoma. Only later, when I was telling my friend about it, I couldn't remember "glaucoma" and told him I got a test for "gonorrhea". His mom gave me a really weird look. It was years before I figured out why!

Anonymous said...

hmmm never really thought about that...will be a point to ponder as I lay awake unable to fall asleep tonight

Kim said...

LOL! I'd also like a margarita with my meningitis. And a Bloomin' Onion for my bunion.

Carol said...

You know now that the next time I counsel someone on their glaucoma meds I'm gonna say guacamole, right? And it'll totally be your fault!

Anonymous said...
