imagine my dismay when I couldn't capture this with the "good" camera. The green blob to the right is a skein of Lamb's Pride, the blob on his belly is his scarf and if you use your imagination you can see the needles kind of pointing in his armpit.
At any rate- how cute is this little guy?
Grandkid #2 of Mr. Sophanne had just returned from a cross country visit with the other side of the family. While Mr. Sophanne and I were fresh and ready for adventure including the traditional "take your grandson fishing" time, this guy, EVERY time we headed for the car would whine, BUT WHY CAN'T I JUST KNIT?
He was also most annoyed with me when I wouldn't let him get his knitting out between turns at the bowling alley, knowing full well that, given his experience, we'd have to wait until the end of a row every time it was his turn.
oh my goodness! That has to be one of the cutest things ever!
That is sooo cute!
Shhhh. If you look closely, you will find a budding knitter in it's natural habitat. Be very very quiet. They can be unpredictable, and when startled may flail around wildly with their natural weapons, the pointicus stickicus. A mature knitter will ignore everything around him/her and you may approach very closely before the untamed knitter begins to proselytize.
Too precious!!
that is so awesome! The dedication he shows at such a young age....may we all be that dedicated!!!!
How adorable! Hopefully he will want to continue with the knitting as he gets older.
and i heart carol's documentary. that's must-see tv.
Wow, that kid is a gem. I feel his pain. I get scolded too when I try and knit at the bowling alley.
Why don't you take the wonderful boy on a yarn crawl?
That is priceless!! I luv it! And want to stay home to do the same thing! ;op
I am so pleased with his passion for knitting! That is just awesome! :o)
I think I'm in love.
Did you teach him to knit?
He totally rocks.
That's adorable!
No. way. I tried so hard to get my kids to love knitting and now, nothing. Sheeeesh. I did meet this 30 year old guy who wants me to teach him so he can make hats....
I can't believe you wouldn't let him knit between turns. Fiend.
Awwww. This photo ranks right up there with the one of the kitten that fell asleep face first in its food bowl.
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