Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I always thought I was too young

I always thought I was too young to have a good teacher crowd.  Turns out I had to wait for the millennials to show up to fit in.

The gang had a "we'll miss you for a month" dinner for me this evening which included an amazing gift bag.  A banana for the dog, bananas with faces for me, snacks in case I get hungry and the highlights.  A swear n search word search, an Eat a bag of dicks obscene coloring book, a banana toy for the dog.  Also  a package of Bob Ross bandaids.  Also an adorable ceramic dog mug, some peppermint tea and some snacks in case I get hungry- microwave mac and cheese, microwave popcorn and some graham cracker goldfish. Also some bananas with faces drawn on them.  They know me so well.

After we answered three trivia questions correctly we found the perfect plan for the summer when we never gather. Trivia night in the summertime.  Show up when we can and connections maintained.  I have never worked with more thoughtful people.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

That all sounds lovely, especially the swear n search word search and eat a bag of dicks obscene coloring book! Take care!