Just when I thought my knitting life was becoming a long chain of blogless ripping of knitted items, knit night comes through.
I could blog about the guy in "my seat" at knit night. Undaunted, as he was surrounded by no less than nine knitters, he held his ground and became an audience member to the knit night play for nearly two hours.
There's knitnightMarc's crocheted amigurumi (is that redundant?) bear. On any other night, it would probably get top billing. It's adorable and I know I will be trying this once all knitting hope is lost (we're getting close to that-just saying)
Or I could blog about the joy that a ukelele/ipad combination brought to KnitnightJustine. Would that the camera had been ready when the uke first appeared.
She suggested that I wouldn't be getting either back that evening. I told her I could part with the uke for a day or two but it would be a deathmatch for the iPad. KnitnightMarc said "somewhere Steve Jobs is smiling." And I said "and Tiny Tim is twitching a little." where but here can you have Steve Jobs AND Tiny Tim referenced in the same blog post?
Also blogworthy is the result of Ceramic Thursday. I am pleased with my bowl. Mr. Sophanne, though he hadn't seen his yet, instructed me to purchase mini-reese cups and york peppermint patties so that he could show off his work at the train station today. So, while he might not want to do it again, there was some pride in the finished product. I'll share that once he brings it home.
Or, I could just snap one picture and say "figure it out."
One sure way of getting a dude out of the immediate area is to start talking uteruses (or is that uteri?). Then continue on to menstruation and you've got a room with a view.
Good call with the Cadbury eggs!!
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