Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Checking in

Here's what I know. I'm on some 3G at the casino- mr sophanne finally has enough money to take me to knit night and I finally had enough money for an iPad. I am a happy camper sitting in the high rollers lounge waiting until it's not too early to go to knit night.

What I also know is that my school had no water yesterday. Kids had the day off but teachers had to report. I am old enough to decide if there's no flushing, I'm not there. I had to take a sick day and I'm pretty sure if I called OSHA I'd get it back, but that's just wrong. Today there was flushing but we were under a boil water thing. No hand washing. No lunch table washing. No dish washing. OSHA is still on my mind but I'm going to wait until this wave of perimenopausal hormones pass.

One other observation is the amount of stress contemplating the holidays brings. Seriously, can't we just skip them?if my calculations are correct (and I so hope they are) I have 10 more holiday programs until retirement. I've never been a "repeater" when it comes to those shows but I am so seriously considering it. I wonder if anyone would notice.


Cindy said...

An IPod!!! Yay! But, no water and still reporting? Unsanitary and unsafe. Seriously unsafe. What about the sprinkler system? Dumb*sses!

Anonymous said...

Here's my thoughts...skip holidays? I'm all for it, however I don't think the rest of the population would go for it. Repeating programs...I don't think anyone would really notice. I think parents only pay attention to the class their kids are in. Maybe if you took elements from other programs and switched the songs around from grade to grade...yeah that could work. And I promise, I won't tell anyone!

Anonymous said...

it makes me giggle that you're counting holiday programs. I've only been teaching 7 years and I've already repeated programs. Heh.

Sharon said...

I really, really like the idea of skipping the holidays this year. You're definitely on to something there.

roxie said...

So THAT'S why the local schools are going all PC about holidays and banning everything they can get away with.

No one will notice if you repeat a program. Heck, most of them probably can't tell one program from another.

Yarnhog said...

When do those perimenopausal hormones stop? Cause I've finally had to accept that missed periods, night sweats, and what I'm pretty sure was my first hot flash (either that, or my sofa has a really, really hot spot in it) are not random occurrences and just might signal the start of Something Big.

How do you like the Ipad? Do you carry it with you? I checked them out and I think they're really, really cool, but I couldn't see ever carrying one around and I have a laptop, so...